dilluns, 11 d’octubre del 2010

My presentation

Hello, I’m Mireia Iglesias and I'm 15 years old. I live in Castelló d'Empúries with my family. I like do some sport and one of the best sport for me is dance and rowing. Last year I do three diferents types of dance I did contemporary dances, ballet and traditional dances but now I do traditional dances and ballet on Fridays. I do to rowing for one year ago before I tought that I wouldn’t liked it but now It’s my favourite sport. Every summer we go to rowing competitions, This year we wento to spain competition and we are 4th of Spain and we are 4th of Ligue too.

Now I’ve already submitted and I
I’m going to tell you a little about me and my experience with English. We already know since 2nd of ESO but now I think that I’ve improved my English. Last year I did the PET and I passed it. I think that it is important for the university and batxillerat.

And in a few years I would like do de FIRST exam but It’s very difficult. I go to English classes since I was 9 years old but this year I don’t go to particular english classes. I like english because It is a language widely spoken.

And now I do batxillerat and I
I hope to get good grades to make a career that I like. I would like do Genetic It’s very dificuld but I will to try

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