divendres, 7 d’octubre del 2011


That is a video of a rowing competition it appears a videoclip- In a rowing federation web. There are different videoclips for each competition and this song is special for my team because we won the league there, in Lloret de mar. During the year we go there two times. When these competitions get closer we are so nervous because we always lose there.
Finally in the last comptetition, we proved our level and that we can win when we set out to do it.
That video show the differents races of that day. The race is different for each category, for cadet's category the race lasts about 3 minutes and is 500m longer, the race of juvenil's category lasts 5-6 minutes and is 1km longer like veteran's cateogry and finally the senior's category lasts 7-8 minutes and is 1,5 km longer. It can seems that it is short but rowing is an explosive sport and requires a lot of energy in a short time.

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