divendres, 25 de novembre del 2011

Junk TV

On the TV there a a lot of soap opera a bad programmes where only to criticize the famous people or the typical latin Amercia series, that type of TV is the Junk TV. In Spanish TV it is so common overcoat in Tele5. It is a tv channel where are a little fascist, racist... and in Catalonia it has bad reputation. In this channel there are a differents soap opera:

"Mujeres y Hombres y viceversa"
It is a tv programme that organise a dates but I think that the presenter and the appointment gays only scream and criticise.
"Salvame deluxe"
It is the famous programme of Belen Esteban. It is so awful.
"Gran hermano"
It is so famous programme where a group of people live in the same house and they have learned to live together.

There a lot of junk programmes, I think that it is the sample of our country, the other people of Europ or the world think that in Spain there are only party, bullfighters, lazy pepole and uncultured people. I'm not feel of Spain, I'm feel Catalan,althouhg the difference isn't great even that there are differences between Spain and Catalonia.

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