divendres, 19 de novembre del 2010

Fred, my pet

My pet is a rabbit his name is Fred. Hee is 2 years old. He is white and grey. Before I had 2 fish and 3 cats but the best is a rabbit. It was present for my sister Laura. The Christmas of 2008 I didn’t know wich present I could give to my sister. I talked with her friends and they told me that she normally talks about rabbits and I touht that I could buy her rabbit, but before I talked with my parents . First they said NO! But after a few days they allowed me to buy one.

My mother and I went to Figueras to buy it, we saw a lot of rabbits but finally we went to a like animals shop and when we entered this shop a litle rabbit got up on his two pows , he was very cute and because of that we bought him.

Christmas night arrived and I didn’t know if my sister would like the rabbit but when she saw it she screamed and hugged it. She was very happy

Now he is very fat but I love it very much.

Jorxi :)

Jorxi is my rowing trainer. Sometimes ago we had Gonxu but he went to live in Galicica. At first we didnt like that because we only we wanted him for trainer, but now I wouldn’t change Jorxi for anyone when Jorxi arrived we hated him because he was very touht hard. His real name is Jordi but we tall him Jorxi.

Now he is like a big brother for me , he call me every week and I know I can trust him. He is 21 years old and lives in Banyoles. He is very lowing with me and Maria because she is the friend I have most trust in. He is very strong and very short, but is the best person in the world.

Barça for me

The FCB has been my favourite team since I was little. Because my cousin Jordi likes it very much too and as we always were together we used to play football. I always drau Barça players and wore Barça’s clothes. Before my favourite football player uset to be Pep Guardiola and my dream was that I wanted to be like Pep, I wanted to be a Barça football player but now my dream has changed.

Now I’m still a fan of Barça. But my favourite player is Piqué. He is very handsome but I never see him face to face but on 7th of December I will see him face to face, because my sister has given me a fantastic present, two tickets for a champions match. It’s amazing.




Rowing started with fishermen. When they went to fishing they always competed bwecause the first to arrive at the port sold more of fish. And finally it converted in a competition.


I have been rowing for one and a half year because Cristina my friend needed girls to complet a team and Maria, Cristina and I went to try, but we thought that we wouldn’t like it but when we tried rowing we liked it very much.


We row for the Club Xon’s Rem Empuriabrava. There are two seniors team, one Junior and twe vetarns team. Until now we were cadets but this year we are Juniors. In my team we are: Maria, Cristina, Lydia, Andrea, Marta, Gema, Núria, Sonia and Jenny and our tranier Jorxi.





In Catalonia there are a lot of clubs: TORREDEMBARRA, CAMBRILS, AMPOSTA, FLIX, ROSES, BADALONA, LLORET DE MAR. But we only competed against Cambrils, Flix, Bétulo, Sta. Cristina, Pescadors, and Torredembarra.


Normaly Cambrils or Flix win and we lost but this league we started very well. Firs we won the Catalonia’s competition against other junior categories when we were still cadets. Because we won we could go to the Spanish competition. There we spent 3days in Dènia In the competition there were 20 clubs and we were 4th of Spain.

After that competition league started.

This year we have been in eight competitions and we were 4th because we lost one competition when we were 1st and because of that our mark drupped.


In rowing there are 2 differents types.

We tried two, but we practice more fixed bench than olimpic rowing


We training three times a week but because here often it windy or rain we have do ergometre. This is a machine to substitute the action of rowing but after that we do exercices called PEBA in spanish is PIERNAS ESPALDA BRAZOS Y ABDMINALES


Rowing is an excellent sport for men and women It is a sport enjoyed all over the world. One of the most famous rowing races is between the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge. Every year the two teams race on the river Thames in Oxfordshir and last year Oxford won.

Dog "foster" kittens

Video new

A Golden Retriever in Cheshire has 'fostered' six stray kittens after recently giving birth to the same number of puppies. The mother die and a young woman found it. The work of fit it is very difficult, specially in the first weeks. The proprietary have a dog that recently giving birth puppies and the dog decided to look after the kittens.

Sloth's lazy image 'a myth'

The sloth's popular image as a lazy creature that sleeps for most of the day has been called into question.

Rather than snoozing for more than 16 hours a day, as observed in captivity, sloths in the wild doze for less than 10 hours, research suggests.

Scientists caught sloths living in the rainforest of Panama and fitted them with a device that monitors sleep.

The findings, published in a Royal Society journal, may help shed light on human sleep disorders, they say.

Lead researcher Niels Rattenborg, of the Max Planck Institute for Ornithology in Starnberg, Germany, said the study demonstrated for the first time that it was possible to record sleep in a wild animal.

dijous, 18 de novembre del 2010

My birthday

Last weekend was my birthday I was 16 years old. First I celebrated it with my friends and after with my family.
My birthday was Sunday but it started on Friday when my boyfriend callet me and said: Comes to the conrer , when I arrived with him he had a bag and gave it to me. It was a present: one jumper, and some earings I was very happy because I wasn't expecting them. Next day I celebrated my birthday with my friends. We went to the Chinese restaurant. It was very ood fun. They gave me presents too. After we went to the Saloon where the DJ put a birthday's song on for me at 12.00 pm. because it was already my birthday. Then a few people and I went to Chic It was fantastic night.
I love my friends a lot.

My family in animals

In my family there are 3 women and one man, my mum, my sister, my father and me. We live in Castelló but now my sister is studing in Girona and only cams at the weekends.
Now I'm going to describe them campared to animals.
My father is like a puma because he i a mechanic and his hands are black like a puma and he is independant like one.
My mother is like an ant because she is a hard worker and intelligent like one.
My sister is like a bee because she is very organised and she is bad temped.
And finally I think that I'm like a rabbit because I have fear of a lot but I like very much sport like a rabbit, because the rabbits are very playf