dilluns, 30 de maig del 2011


Last Friday I went to Clara's party to celebrate her birthday. We were 35 people of my friends group. We ate pizza and a lot of crisps. After dinner we started to drink before giving the presents. When we give the presents to Clara we gave a big box where there was a little box, with more little boxes... where she had find a note where it explain a different tests:
  • Test 1 - She had to drink a mysterious drink.
  • Test 2 - She had to dance the FullMonty's song.
  • Test 3 - She had to drink 2 shots.
  • Test 4 - She had to lick the "Nocilla" of a little part of our bodies.
  • Test 5 - She had to touch all the boys bottoms and guess which bottom was of his boyfriend
  • Test 6 -- We had to kiss her all over her body.
When she passed one test we recived 1 present.
After that we conbtinued with the party and danced and laughed a lot. When we were a lot of "hapies" we went to SomX where we finished the party there.
Next day when we woke up we had a load head-ache. We clened all house and continued a little party with music.



Hi, today I'm gonna talk about my favourite radio station; FlaixFM. It is a Catalan station created in 1992 by a French man, who wanted to discover dance music at this country.
At FlaixFM, you can listen all styles of music related to electronic (Dance, House, Trance -not a lot-, Minimal, Techno, Electro...), so it is a station that young people like very much. Nowadays, over 200.000 people listen to this frequence, so it is the 3th more listened in Catalonia.
The most important program in it is called Calibre45, in which they create a list with the 45 more important songs in the moment, with new entries, 6 good songs called "Cracs de la setmana", 1 song that will be very important called "Megacrac" and the most important of the week, the Number 1. Every week the list changes and there are new songs and songs that "disappear".
Today is Saturday, so this afternoon the list will change and my prediction is that the Number 1 will be "Automatic", by Taito Tikaro; and the Megacrac will be "Time", by Millennium.

So, that's my favourite radio station and I recommend you to listen to it one day! ;)

Beauty products and publicity

A lot of women are very worrid for their appearence after a few years and only search for anything to change this and return to looking young. But if you don't look after you serlf , rom an early age, in the future you won't have the same body.
These women ar often taken in about the beauty products because the publicity say stupid things about these products and put a photos of women too young. But thy don't see that these models are 20 years old and it's logic that they don't have wrinkles because they are young!
But the publicity are an influence for women and now for men too, because the men are now more vain and they look after themselves a lot.
In definetly the publicity and the beauty products are stupid things and we have to avoid that these things influence us.
Many products are very expensive and promise impossible actions.
What we need to do is care for our skin when we are young: eat well, drink water, keep away from the sun and try not to wear too much make-up.

1st of Catalonia !!

Last Sunday I went to the rowing competition of Catalonia. When we arrived we prepared all things for rowing and we relaxed to wait for our race.
The race started and we started a little bad because we were 3rd but at 350m we did a perfect turn and we passed to 1st position and finally we finished 1st. The others temas were surprised with our result because we rowed very well. And when we arrived at the shore with other people and the public, everybody applauded, it was an amazing moment for me and my team.
It was a fantastic day that we will never forget.

FIREFLIES (owl city)

This is an important song for me because I listened to it for the first time the day that I met my boyfriend. I like it a lot because it isn't like the other songs; it doesn't talk about love, war, dreams, drugs... it talks about fantasy.
It is a special song it reminds me a lot of moments with my boyfriend and friends.
The videoclip is very nice because it's like Toy Story (film) because all the toys are alwe aand they move around the room. And as Toy Story was my favourite film when I was little I remember my childhood too.

The cinema

I think that cinema is one of the most important things in our life, not so much as music (of course, jaja!) but yeah, imprescindible.
I really love to watch a film sitting on the sofa, drinking something and with good company, but always if it is a good film; I don't enjoy bad cinema (a part of Serie B terror films and some comedia films which are fun instead of his quality). A few of my favourite films are Pulp Fiction, Sin City, the trilogy of The Lord Of The Rings, Truman's Show, 300, Reservoir Dogs, Kill Bill, Braindead... All are amazing films, but I have to say that maybe Pulp Fiction is the best one, I've watched it a lot of times, and everytime I've enjoyed more it. My favourite directors are Quentin Tarantino, Peter Jackson, Robert Rodriguez and others (Polanski, Spielberg, Kubrick...).
In fact, I really love cinema and a lot of styles (I'm going from Kill Bill to Austin Powers -which is very bad, but fun xD-), and I think that without it, our life would change a lot to bad and that we would lose a lot of brilliant moments to enjoy.