dimarts, 20 de març del 2012


This is a letter to UN human’s right committee
Dear President of human's right committee, I have a question for you: Do you think that women rights have changed between 20th century to now?
Few years ago, women were used for the home’s works. At the beginnings of the 20th century they didn’t have rights to do another work, It could be possible although it was frowned.
Nowadays, women have more right than before, even that today they still suffer some consequences of that, for example some women charge less than other men that do the same work.
I think that we have to do anything to change that, now the world is sufficiently modern and mature to do a one step more in this theme.
It’s true that the women’s rights have changed between before to now, although I write this letter because I want that you think about that and it is possible, change this little facts.

dilluns, 19 de març del 2012


1. What are human rights?

Human rights are generally defined as those liberties, faculties, institutions and basic claims relating to any person simply because of their human condition, in order to guarantee a decent life.

2. Why were they created?

Human rights were created to establish equality among all men.

3. How many human rights are there?

there are 30 human rights

4. Which human right were you not familiar with? Mention an example where this human right is respected and where it is not respected.

The article 4, here it is rescpected, even that in underdeveloped countries this article isn't respected.

diumenge, 18 de març del 2012

News !


The home secretary has called for the Human Rights Act to be scrapped, less than a fortnight after Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg said it was "here to stay"

I think that to replace the human rights to another act, it could cause a lot of problems in the society. Although they know more than me about this theme and I hope that they decided the best solution.

dimarts, 13 de març del 2012


In my oral presentation I was very nervous and I couldn't said that I wanted. It's true that the other partners are my friends even that I don't like talking in front of the class, I'm so embarassed, because of this I never talk a lot in the English class. It is a problem for me, because some teachers think that I don't know anything about the theme that we talk and it influency to my mark.
So I hope to improve my english level and I will try to talk more in english class next term.

dimecres, 7 de març del 2012



Since Scotland introduced a ban on smoking in public places in 2006 there has been a 10% drop in the country's premature birth rate, say researchers.

If It is true that the smoke cause the premature births, this law to ban smoking it's a big
advance for the medicine and the babies. I'm happy for that new because I like this themes a lot and the advances in medicine I think that are the more importants discoveries.
Facebook was unavailable for a number of users mostly across Europe on Wednesday due to "technical difficulties".

I think that these problems must be controlled because it afects to milion people. Facebook is a big socialnetwork and it can't afford, it's true that everything can be a problem although it must be controlled a lot to avoid these problems.

Scientists from the US Tevatron accelerator say they have spotted possible hints of the Higgs boson at a mass similar to that seen at the LHC.

It is a amazing accelerator particles, I'm interested a lot in physical and particles, because my friend Pere, did a tdr of that and I liked it a lot, it is a important advance to improve our knowledge and to discover more about science.

dimarts, 6 de març del 2012



This year the Carnival was on the 18th of February in Roses and St. Pere and the next weekend was in Castelló.
It is the best party of the year and this year was different because we have changed the group and all the girlls went with the Group of 91 year, this name is Muralla 52, that is a joke that we did when we did the carnival cart.
In respect of the costume we went as "BULMA and FULLET TORTUGA" these are two characters of Dragon Ball, the girls wore a pink dress and the most ridiculous add was that the girls had to pint our hair blue, even that finally we wore a blue wig. The boys had to wore a bold wig and I think that it is more riciulous than girls.
Also in Carnival everybody wears a different costumers and anyone who doesn't wear a costume looks ridiculous.
The first Carnival was in Roses, it was special, like every year because there it's different than here. Next night we went to St. Pere, there we always enjoyed a lot, it's simple and bit, although it's so funny. Finally next week we staied in Castelló, it is the best Carnival for me every year, It's different than the others even that it's so funny.

The majority of parents think that this party is only a drunks party although I think that it's wrong. If you don't drink the party is the same than if you drink.
So It is my favourite party of the year.


My ideal partner is a man who lives near my village. He is 2 years older than me.
He is dark-haired, quite tall and green eyes. He is broad-shoulderd and definitely he is well-built.
He likes to keep fit, his ambitions are sports, in particular running and rowing. Although he likes doing a lot of activities like travelling or exiting adventures.
In general he is broad-minded and sociable, although he is fairly loving and sensitive.
About relationshp he respects the other person, he is honest and he isn't unfaithful at all.
He is my perfect and ideal partner and if he exists I will whatever it takes to get him.

dilluns, 5 de març del 2012


This is an amazing film. At first it seems a typical film of two girls that travel arround the Europ and they have a party life , although at a moment of the film it turns way round.

Two girls go to Paris during the summer because they want to follow th U2 tour. At first the father of the protagonist didn't want it, even that finally he lent her to do it.
When they arrive to the airport of Paris they know a man with who share the taxi. The girls spent the days into a friend's cousin house and the taxe lend the girls there. A few hours later during the protagonist is phoning her father she see how two men get into in the house and raped her friend. Luckly father's NOIA had worked in CIA and he hels his daughter and said: " Go under the next bed, don't move and calm down, now they raped ou , when they do it you lend on the phone and try to describes the men" At this moment all film change. After that the father take a plane to Paris and start to seek clues. Then find the man of airport although unfortunatly he die and the father contunue the research.

The film continue even that, I don't want to explain the end of the film because I already have explained a lot.
I recommend this film for everybody because is so interesting and different to others films.

dijous, 1 de març del 2012

Rowing party

Last Sunday we went to the rowing party in Banyoles. That day I only slept 2h because Saturday before was St. Peter Carnival. We started with a Regatta, where we were third although we had to compete against boys and I think that it was a fantastic resault.
After that we did the rowing party. We lunch all teams of rowing together and with olympics rowers too. There the federation presedint gave the cups , my club won 2 cups, one for the seniors and one for the juniors (us). Because during this season we haven't lost any regatta. I'm so proud of my team because together we get that we wanted.
we spent in Banyoles all day, it was absolutly fantastic and necessary for me, because I wanted to start again the pre-season, because since September of 2011 I couldn't seen my rower friends of other teams, together we laugh a lot and it's always misses. They are so important for me because we have lived the most importants moments for us together. Although when we are on the water we aren't so friends because they are our enemy too. Even that they are a important people for me. Definitely this is a big part of this sport, because row links all people, it needs a strong and special personality that only we share.


Last Friday we went to UDG (Girona's university). There we spent all morning and we could go to different presentations of different degrees.
In Girona I went to the Medicine presentation, I liked it a lot although it's so difficult for me to get a place in this degree.
The week before we went to Barcelona on UAB. There we went to Biosciencies presentation, I liked it so much however the best were Biomedicine and Microbiology. If I don't get a place in Medicine I will try to get a place in these degrees.
Next year I hope that I can do one of these degrees. Now I really have to concentrate on Batxillerat and I have to prepare for the PAU.